Facebook stats: 251,323 likes, 171,331 shares, 130,587 comments. Twitter: 12647 tweets

TV Man Encourages Parents To Torture Children

Funny? Horribly mean? Not for us to decide, but post this on your wall if you want to encourage a great debate. 

Facebook Likeability Score: 76.8%

Facebook stats: 3117 shares, 3401 comments, 1832. Twitter: 215 tweets.

'Blurred Sanford' Is Insanely Catchy, Clicky, And Shareable 

This video mashup combines Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" with the Sanford & Sons theme with surprisingly infectious results. 

Facebook Likeability Score: 76.8%


Elephant Reunites With Trainer After Being Separated For 15 Years

Facebook stats: 235 likes, 158 shares, 62 comments, 1832. Twitter: 6 tweets.

*This is a 1988 TV show clip about an 80-year-old elephant trainer who reunites with NIta, the elephant he raised from birth after a 15 year separation.

Chances of multiple social interactions: 72.4%

Facebook stats: 96,300 likes, 48,120 shares, 38,053 comments. Twitter: 9,783 tweets

Kids Discuss About Gay Marriage

As you can tell from the insanely how rates to the left, this is one of the most viral videos currently on-line. If you haven't seen it pop up too many times yet in your newsfeed, go ahead and post.  

Facebook Likeability Score: 76.8%


Facebook stats: 4,743 likes, 5,261 shares, 4,663 comments. Twitter: 1,044 tweets

The Incredibly Terrifying Venezuelan Way Of Getting On the Subway

This is one of those videos that's just too fascinating to look away from. Share with all your pals to let them know how cool you are.   

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